Connection with the entrepreneurial ecosystem
We connect business challenges with the answers and technologies coming from the start-ups at the UAB campus.

Dinamitzem l'ecosistema empresarial
At the UAB Research Park, we dynamise a great network of both entrepreneurs and business projects born from research that possess innovative knowledge and technologies.
We connect these projects with other organisations that can either make them grow or benefit from their innovative ideas, products, or services.

Programs of ideation, development and validation of ideas from Emprèn UAB
Within the framework of Emprèn UAB, we organise practical training programs to validate the entrepreneurial projects based on knowledge and research results.
Our goal is to promote entrepreneurship and make talent and creativity emerge from the research personnel at the UAB campus to create business projects with a strong social impact.
Training and mentorship program to help find the niche of theses and dissertations.
Trainings and private tutorings to explore the commercial and social potential of research projects.
Formative program teaching the latest tools in artificial intelligence applied to industry, with the goal of developing entrepreneurial projects that impact society.
An experiential program to develop solutions to industry challenges through the research knowledge of the participants and multidisciplinary teamwork.
Programme to promote entrepreneurship for master's and doctoral students and graduates who want to highlight the value of their thesis or dissertation.
A program focused on growing already existing entrepreneurial projects, giving continuity to the basic knowledge acquired in previous trainings, with the goal of perfecting the entrepreneurial process.
Who will help you boost your entrepreneurial skills?

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