Research centres and institutes

Research centre of the Animal Health Programme of the Institute for Research in Agroalimentary Technologies (IRTA), which works to improve animal health and the quality and safety of animal products intended for human consumption.
Centre of Studies and Research at the university that studies and offers scientific assessment to contribute to improving life quality on Artic peoples and the sustainability of their environment.

Research Centre of the Consell Superior de Recerques Científiques (CSIC), located on the UAB campus, with experience in many areas of artificial intelligence, including automatic learning, knowledge representation, multi-agent systems, technologies of 'accords, the process of natural language, reasoning, optimisation and semantics.

International non-profit research institute devoted to generating knowledge, materials and devices in ICT, health, energy and the environment.

Reference center for research, conservation and dissemination of vertebrate and human paleontology in Catalonia.
The centre is aimed at investigating diabetes mellitus, their secondary complications, and other diseases with a metabolical origin from a multidisciplinary approach that includes different areas of biomedical research.

Centre for research and training in demography.

Research centre dedicated to terrestrial ecology and territorial analysis, providing links and methodologies for the conservation, management and adaptation of the environment to global change.
The main purpose of CREIS is to deepen the analysis of entrepreneurship and social innovation, advancing both in the understanding of the phenomenon and in the study methodologies and conceptual frameworks used, as well as their practical implications.
Centre specialized in innovation and knowledge transfer in the area of agri-food, and more specifically in Food Technology.
Centre of research focused on the analysis and development of organisations in general, and those linked to training and education in all levels and fields in particular.

Research centre for plant and livestock genomics and molecular biology, formed by the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC), the Institute of Agro-Food Research and Technology (IRTA), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the University of Barcelona (UB).
Centre that brings together and promotes the dispersed efforts being made at the university in matter of research on performing arts.
CERSIN aims to become a benchmark for the study of inclusive processes to improve the quality of life for all people throughout their lives.
Its aim is to coordinate and promote research activities directly related to gender or genders.
A centre focused on the study of the Iberian worlds during the modern centuries from an interdisciplinary perspective, through the edition of classical texts, the philological study of works, and the analysis of their historical context.
Centre of Studies and Research of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, which has the main goal of studying linguistics and natural languages from a theoretical and experimental perspective.

The CVC's mission is to carry out cutting-edge research in the field of computer vision. We also promote the transference of knowledge to industry and society.
ccademic institution dedicated to the study and research of the countries that form the East Asian region.

CTFC’s mission is to conduct relevant science for sustainable forest management, biodiversity, and the circular bioeconomy.

Its main objective is to increase scientific knowledge in order to transform it into solutions to improve the health and medical care of patients and the community.

The IFAE is mainly dedicated to frontier experimental and theoretical scientific research in the fields of high-energy physics and astrophysics.