Planta creixent


Pioneer project to create the first ecological urea fertilizer from CO2 and nitrogen compounds-

A sustainable, self-sufficient solution through CO2 and N compounds

Methods commonly used by the agrochemical industry to produce synthetic fertilisers consume a lot of energy and have great environmental and socioeconomic repercussions. During the European transition towards a sustainable and agricultural model, urea has become the most popular nitrogen-based fertiliser, with a world demand between 180 and 200 million metric tonnes yearly. However, its use presents important inconveniences related to the storage and economic and operative aspects.

In this context, the project CONFETI validates in the laboratory an innovative, self-sufficient technology to capture and convert photoelectrochemically carbone dioxid (CO2) and nitrogene compounds (N2) directly from the air and the combustion gases in urea. The system is a bet on circular economy through the recycling and conversion of the nitrate (NO3) not consumed for the plant to amoniac through photocatalytic technologies powered with solar light.


The implementation of the concept and design of the final system will be possible thanks to a multidisciplinary consortium lead by Gonzalo Guirado, researcher from the Chemistry Department at UAB, and complimented by other partners: the Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC), the Centre de Recerques Energètiques, Mediambientals i Tecnològiques (CIEMAT) and the biotech company BIOO; besides the Antwerp University (UANTWERPEN, from Belgium); the Pisa University (UniPi, from Italy); the National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS) and the Toulouse Univesity III-Paul Sabatier (UPS, from France), and an associate member from the US, the Iowa Sate University (IOWA).

Role of the PRUAB

The UAB Research Park is leading the communication of the project.


Start date: November 1st, 2023
End date: October 31st, 2026


The project is funded by the Horizon Europe programme from the European Union.

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