Cistella d'aliments


Ibero-American network for the incubation of innovative companies within the agri-food sector.

Boosting the agri-food business sector

The AGROINNCUBA network has the goal of improving the levels of development and consolidation within the innovative and technological business fabric in the Ibero-American region, thus creating job opportunities and economic welfare in the participating regions.

The network has created a Landing program aimed at supporting the internationalisation of spinoffs and startups from the agri-food sector within the Ibero-American and European markets. It allows the participating companies to open themselves to new markets, discover locally the best international business strategies, and consolidate ties with tech partners in Ibero-America. Strategic alliances also get formed, allowing access to R&D and international cooperation collaborative processes.


The project brings 8 incubators of companies tied with different public-private environments together: the Science Park of the University of Valencia and the UAB Research Park (Spain); Inovisa (Portugal); the Minerva incubator of the National University of La Plata (Argentina); Incubatec of the University of La Frontera (Chile); the Pirassununga UNITEC agribusiness incubator (Brazil); the Parque Biopacífico and the Centro de Innovación Educativa en Ingeniería of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (Colombia); and the Prehndo entrepreneurship centre of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador).


Start date: 2017 

End date: 2018


AGROINNCUBA is part of the CYTED program for the promotion of multilateral cooperation on Science and Technology, to promote the exchange of experiences and the creation of channels of communication and dissemination of information between the participating countries.

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