
The UAB Research Park and the Comarcal Councils of Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental present a guide for the creation and management of Energetic Communities in the B30 Territory

The UAB Research Park, in collaboration with the Comarcal Councils of Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental, has presented today the Guide ofr the Creation of Energetic Communities. Born within the Project for the Specialisation and Territorial Competitivity (PECT; Projecte d’Especialització i Competitivitat Territorial) Circular B30, with participation of both the Comarcal Council of the Vallès Occidental and the Comarcal Council of the Vallès Oriental, this guide offers a complete vision on creating and managing Energetic Communities (CE) in the B30 Territory.

Targeting citizens as well as businesses, local companies and public administration, the guide is born from a need of taking collective action to a renewable model, with the consumer in the centre. The main goal of the guide is, then, promoting participation and entrepreneurship of the local community. Thus, sustainability is promoted at the Vallesos, as well as the creation of community within the framework of energetic transition, while contributing to the mitigation of the climate emergency.

The B30 territory is a key space for the proper energetic transition. With an specific roadmap, tools, and specific and real examples for an effective implementation of Energetic Communities, the guide ensures granting the specific needs and challenges of the territory.

Today’s event has been inaugurated by Xavier Gabarrell, vicedean of the UAB Campus and Sustainability; Andrés Medrano, Conseller Comarcal responsible for energetic transition at the Comarcal Council of the Vallès Occidental, Dídac Santisteban, Conseller Comarcal of Environment at the Comarcal Council of the Vallès Oriental. All of them have highlighted the  role of energetic communities in the energetic transition process and have assured that the guide will become a tool for the actions to promote energy communities of the Comarcal Energy Transition Offices.

Then, Xavier Massa, Operations Manager at Km0 has presented the guide and explained the process of creating an Energetic Community. The event has ended with the presentation of two successful case studies: one by Jaume Castellà, of the energetic consulting firm ePlural, explaining the experience at the Energetic Community of Castellbisbal; and another one by Jordi Martín, Climate Action Councilman at the Caldes de Montbui Town Hall.

The Guide for the creation of Energy Communities is available for free download through the Circular B30 website:

Presentació de la Guia de Comunitats Energètiques al CircuLab UAB