UAB and Huawei launch new edition of the Global Data Compression Competition
The 4th edition of this competition accepts submissions until 15 April 2025. Organised by UAB's Group on Interactive Coding of Images (GICI) with Huawei, the competition aims to bring together students, professionals and amateurs in the field of lossless data compression.
Data compression continues to revolutionize the digital world, shrinking the size of data so that information is more easily available anywhere, anytime, and on any device.
The «Global Data Compression Competition (GDCC)» is a contest to improve the standard of lossless data compression. It includes several main categories open to engineers, researchers and students.
This year's edition offers a total prize of 77,500 euros to all winners in the different categories and modalities. The main categories are open to developers and owners of new or existing compression software, either as individuals or groups. Anybody may join the competition in the student category, but only university and graduate students (including PhD students) are eligible for awards in this category.
The competition is sponsored by Huawei and this edition is organised for the second time by the Group on Interactive Coding of Images (GICI) of UAB, Department of Information and Communication Engineering. In addition, 5 experts in the field are involved in evaluating the proposals and deciding on the winning projects.