
8 projectes de la UAB reben finançament per a la millora del sistema agroalimentari i forestal de Catalunya

El Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació de la Generalitat de Catalunya ha atorgat 318.000 euros a la UAB per impulsar 8 projectes de demostració de tecnologies i eines que contribueixin a modernitzar el sector primari.

The projects are a part of the first call published within the strategic plan for the Communal Agricultural Policy (PAC) for activities of demonstration and knowledge transfer. The Department of Agriculture, Farming, Fishing, and Food of the Generalitat de Catalunya has approved 114 requests with a total budget of 5.5 million euros.

Out of these, UAB will receive 318.000 euros to develop and validate technologies that help improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the Catalan agricultural holdings. The eight projects are the following:

Un tractor en un camp de cultiu