Innovation Day 2024 of the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC)
Presentation of the services and technological capabilities of the IMB-CNM, review of recent successes and participation of the main institutional players in public microelectronics. With the possibility of one-to-one interviews with researchers.
Hotel Exe Campus (Vila Universitària UAB)
Wednesday 27, November 2024 - 09:15End
Wednesday 27, November 2024 - 17:00Organizers
Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM, CSIC)
The II Innovation Day: Chips de km 0 of the Microelectronics Institute of Barcelona (IMB-CNM, CSIC) promotes the transfer of knowledge between the Institute's activities in micro and nanoelectronic technologies with companies in the area. A day to promote exchange and collaboration with industry.
Consult the detailed programme and register on the event website.