Five innovation projects in Artificial Intelligence presented at the AI4ALL demoday
Last Thursday, the sixth edition of the AI4ALL program, created by the UAB Research Park, the Computer Vision Center, the UAB Engineering School, and the CSIC Institute of Research on Artificial Intelligence, has come to an end with the celebration of a contest of the projects being developed.
Five entrepreneurial projects based on the use of artificial intelligence developed by researchers of the UAB Campus have exposed their innovative ideas, designed during the six months of the AI4ALL program.
The managing director of the UAB Research Park, Carlos Valero, and the coordinator of the Catalan Strategy on Artificial Intelligence, Arnau Serra, have been responsible for the inauguration of the final act of the program, which has had five AI-based projects being presented. Next, Júlia Palma and Dani Franco, coordinators of the program, have introduced both the program and the jury.
Each team has had five minutes to explain their idea in front of a jury made up of experts in the evaluation of business ideas, made up of Cristina Padilla Zaplana, councillor for Economic Promotion, Trade and Markets, Enterprise and Industrial Estates, Employment and Training of Cerdanyola del Vallès City Council; Carles Vericat, UAB alumni and director of Commercial Development at SCALAI; and Oguz Mulayim, postdoctoral researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA CSIC).

The participant projects
BrainMapp and LainApp have been declared the two winners, who will have the opportunity of taking part in Xarxa RDI-IA's AI Accelerator program. BrainMapp has been developed by Victor Cepero Escribano, Pep Rimbau Ollé, Mariano Panzano Caballé, and Jaume Farrés Vicén and is software for neurosurgery assistance based on electric stimulation to automatically map the brain.
On the other hand, LainApp is a Gen AI-based, interactive mobile solution applied to music festivals that maximises the experience of the public via line-ups and personalised recommendations. It has been created by Ana Arias, Ariana Calleja, Gemma Galver, Lluis Vicente, and Eduard Vendrell and, among other characteristics, allows the promoters to optimise the operative efficiency through the data analysis on the behaviour of their public.
These two projects have been selected as well to participate in Primer 2025, where, with 18 more projects, they will compete to present their pitch on the stand of the Catalan Government in the Mobile World Congress 2025.
Besides the two winning projects, three more have taken part in the program:
- Juan Ayala Cervantes and Oscar Díaz Gil, members of the Xarxa DiBi, have created dibiGPT, an assistant for consultation of laboratory information from the dibi diagnostic and imaging network. The availability of accurate information during the processes will reduce the number of incidents, increasing the efficiency of diagnoses.
- Alexandra Chaves, Edison Bejarano, Òscar Munné, Marc Sanmartí, Ronald Peñaloza, and Víctor Rotellar are the minds behind La.i.a, an AI technology focused on the assessment and accompaniment of the user on the improvement of their financial conduct and consumer habits.
- Verónica Jiménez and Miquel Garcia, founders of Telomere Therapeutics and Tramontane Therapeutics, are on the innovation path again with TerapIA, an AI-created SaaS system that optimises access and information analysis on biotechnology for the development of advanced therapies, helping on the decision-making process of strategic and viability decisions.
The aim of the AI4ALL program is to promote the generation of technology and entrepreneurial projects in artificial intelligence. It is subsidised by the Department of Enterprise and Employment and has the co-financing of the European Social Fund Plus and the support of the Xarxa RDI-IA.